
Mom passed away on May 24, 2010. Dad missed her a lot but carried on, in his very independent way, until he was called to be with his Heavenly Father on December 10, 2010. This website is a collection of thoughts, photos, video and audio clips to help us all remember them. They were very good people and we will do well to follow in their footsteps. Mom and Dad touched us, first and foremost, but they influenced and blessed a lot of people. Perhaps this website, meant as a tribute, will spur us on when we are in need of motivation and encouragement. Be blessed and then turn around and pass it around. As of December 16, 2010, this site is still in construction. But the slideshow and audio buttons are active.

Elise's Eulogy for Dad - A Gift for My Remarkable Dad

Click here for funeral photos

Sunday morning, while I was holding my dad’s hands, the sunlight streaming through the window brightened everything in the hospital room, including his spirit. Looking at his pleasant face, I recalled my dad’s boyish enthusiasm over the majestic view of the French Alps dotted with medieval castles. With an urge to help him experience again that cheerful moment he had 15 years ago, I asked him, “Dad, of all the places you traveled to, what comes to your mind as the most impressive?” Without a moment of hesitation, he answered, “Manchuria!”

"Why Manchuria, Dad?"
"Because there I had met a beautiful girl who became your mother."

Their romance started in the harsh land of Manchuria and lasted 70 years, yielding fruit until my mom’s departure last May. They were inseparable. They complemented each other seamlessly. Above all, they regarded one another the most handsome and extraordinary being in the world. I can only imagine the void my dad might have felt since he buried his better half.

However, his vitality, enthusiasm, curiosity, humor, and humanity continued every day. In a voice still strong with the joy of living, he often declared, “I never dreamed that I would be living into this old age. Every day is an extra gift from God. What do you do when you receive a gift? Be joyful and be thankful! Right?” Then, his face broke into a big smile.

We are who we are now because we had a father who wisely applied a balanced approach in loving and disciplining his children. Faith in God, honesty, kindness, strong work ethics, and the keen ability to distinguish needs from wants; these are the values manifested in the way he led his life. Today, all of his children and grandchildren marvel at my dad’s common sense and uncommon perseverance.

One of the nurses who cared for him during the last three weeks shared her impression of my dad with me. “Your father is an exceptionally strong man. I believe that the strength of his will enabled him to reach 94 years.” With this remark, she approached my dad and attempted to put the pain pill into his mouth. All of a sudden, my dad raised himself up and placed his hands in a ready position to handle the pill and the cup of water in front of him. His whole being seemed to say, “Wait a minute. I can still manage this on my own.” He executed the necessary movement gracefully. His independent and indomitable spirit displayed until the end moved me and the nurse to tears. Obviously, this nurse had a great liking of my dad. Just like her, people from all walks of life responded to my dad as he showed his kindness and genuine interest in them.

Each of us gathered here today cherish his/her own personal memories of my dad who led an uncommon life as a common man. Like many of you, I will miss my dad. I cannot hold his hands any more. I cannot see the magic twinkle in his eyes. I cannot hear his hearty laughter. However, imagining my dad walking down into eternity holding his loving wife by the hand and carrying on endless conversations with her, I take great comfort. Let this occasion be a moment of celebration as his life has been and a moment of fond remembrance, recalling how he touched us.

사랑하는 아버지를 그리워 하며

홍 매자

유난히 화창한 남 가주 특유의 겨울 아침이었습니다. 사랑하는 아버지의 병실을 들어서는 순간 창문을 통하여 쏟아지는 밝은 햇살이 무척 고맙게 느껴졌습니다. 햇살이 주는 따뜻함과 밝음이 제 아버지의 따뜻하고 밝은 마음의 자세를 표현 하는 듯 하였습니다.

“어서 오너라.” 하시며 아버지는 저의 손을 꼭 잡으셨습니다. 어린 소년처럼 구김살 없는 큰 미소와 함께 밝아지는 그의 모습을 지켜보면서 저는 15년 전 프랑스의 아름다운 산골 마을에서 더할 나위 없이 아름다운 정경에 감탄하시던 그의 모습을 떠올리며 아버지께 여쭈었습니다. 아버지 지금까지 여행 하셨던 곳들 중에서 가장 인상 깊은 곳이 어디에요?” “! 그야 만주 땅이지.” “왜 만주에요?” “왜냐 구? ! 그야 내가 거기서 내 마누라 될 예쁜 처녀를 만났거든.” 대답을 하시던 아버지의 두 눈은 제 어머니를 향한 그리움으로 가득 차 있었습니다.

만주 땅에서 싹튼 두 분의 로맨스는 제 어머니께서 운명하신 지난 5월까지 70년간 지속되면서 많은 열매를 맺었습니다. 두 분은 한 몸처럼 사셨습니다. 두 분은 서로를 이해하며 감싸 주셨습니다. 두 분은 서로가 이 세상에서 가장 잘 생기고 사랑스러운 사람이라고 생각 하셨습니다. 사랑하는 아내를 먼저 보낸 제 아버님의 마음을 헤아려 봅니다. 얼마나 어머니를 그리워 하셨을까?

그러나 하루의 생활에서 제 아버님은 넘치는 기쁨과 감사함을 표현하는데 주저하지 않으셨습니다. 가끔 밝은 미소와 함께 하시던 말씀이 생각납니다. “! 나는 내가 이렇게 오래 살 줄 꿈에도 생각 못했거든. 이건 하나님의 은혜지. 너무 감사해.” 움직이는 것이 힘드셨지만 건강을 지키기 위해서 매일 아침 걸으셨습니다. 씹기 어렵지만, 몸에 좋기에 진한 색깔의 잡곡밥을 드셨습니다. 하나님으로부터 받은 자신의 생명이 귀한 줄 아시고 이렇게 열심히 사시는 아버지의 모습에 저희 자녀들은 감동하였습니다.

이 세상의 모든 행복은 하나님으로부터 온다는 신념으로 늘 근면하게, 정직하게, 친절을 베풀며 그리고 무엇이 필요한 것이고 무엇이 욕심에서 연유한 것인가를 분별하시며 생활에 꼭 필요한 것만 사셨던 우리 아버님!

아버님의 이러한 삶이 있었기에 오늘 저희들의 삶이 있다고 확신합니다. 우리들은 아버지께서 생활하시는 것을 지켜보면서 무엇이 옳고 무엇이 그른가를 분별하는 지혜를 배웠습니다.

지난 몇 주 동안 제 아버지를 돌보던 간호사가 저에게 이렇게 말했습니다. “당신의 아버지는 특별히 강한 분입니다. 그 강한 힘이 94년의 장수를 가능하게 한 것 같습니다.” 이렇게 자신의 생각을 표현하고 나서 그 간호사는 아버지께 가까이 다가가서 그녀의 손에 들고 있던 알약을 아버지 입에 넣으려고 시도 하였습니다. 그 순간 누워 계시던 아버지께서 갑자기 몸을 일으키셨습니다. 그의 두 손도 알약과 물이 담긴 컵을 받을 준비가 되어있었습니다. 마치! 약 먹는 것쯤은 아직도 나 자신이 할 수 있지.” 라고 선언 하시 듯 하였습니다. 제 아버님의 독립 정신과 흔들리지 않는 강한 의지를 지켜보면서 제 마음이 뜨거워짐을 부인할 수 없었습니다.

제 아버님을 “Papa”라고 부르면서 정성껏 보살피던 이 간호사처럼 많은 사람들이 아버님을 따르고 좋아 하였습니다. 아버님은 누구에게나 친절을 베풀고 자신의 생명을 존중하여 최선을 다 한 것처럼 남의 생명도 존중하여 이웃들의 진정한 행복과 성공을 기원 하셨습니다.

오늘 아침 여기 모인 우리들은 모두 나름대로 제 아버님을 둘러싼 소중한 기억들을 간직하고 있습니다. 여러분들처럼 저도 아버님을 많이 그리워 할 것입니다. 이제는 다시 그의 반짝이는 눈빛을 볼 수 없고, 그의 힘찬 음성과 웃음을 들을 수 없고, 다시 아버님의 손을 잡을 수 없다는 생각을 하면 제 마음이 무척 아픕니다. 그러나 지금 이 순간, 그가 그렇게도 그리워하고 사랑하던 아내의 손을 잡고 영원을 향해 걸으시면서 끝없는 대화를 나누시는 모습을 그려 보면서 마음의 위로를 받습니다.

오늘 이 아침이 하나님을 경외하고, 이웃을 사랑하며, 인생의 맛을 즐기면서 멋있게 사신 제 아버님의 생을 축하하는 시간이 되기를, 또 아버님과 함께한 아름다운 기억들을 되새기는 시간이 되기를 기원 합니다.

I Cried - Unplanned, Unexpected but Welcomed Thoughts About Mom and Dad

I stumbled across a new song, a country song at that, and it moved me to tears.  Appropriately named, "I Cried," (Brandy Clark), the simple song recalls the sorrowful goodbyes that we must all bid one another on this earth.  The lyrics are at the end of this post.  Today is December 15, 2018.  It has been a little over 8 years since Dad took his final breath and several months shy of 9 years since Mom left for glory.   

Oh, the regrets, they flood my memories.   How I wish I had held them more often in my arms and expressed my thanks and my love.   But regret is something Dad would never have wanted us to wallow in. 

I can almost still smell them.  Dad's cologne.   Mom's Pond's skin lotion.   Better parents I could not have imagined or hoped for.   But as my brother in law, Kimo, always said, they were the most blessed of all people.   And they heartily agreed, as they pursued their simple lives.  I remember helping mom wrap her wedding presents for the children of their friends.   Always looking for deals at Robinson's or May Company, usually towels.  I wonder whether the recipients made comments about the humble nature of those gifts.   But how did they get it all done with such modest means, working for minimum wage at Louis Roth Clothiers?   God's grace, they always said. 

Living life as if it would go on forever is a natural, human thing to do.   But our lives have two book ends.  And I suppose that thinking about that one, just to the right of the last book, is what makes us think about the bigger picture.  I will go back to living now with renewed courage and determination to do what is right, but in reality, I know I will stumble through this or that. 

In any case, thank you God, for giving me such people to call parents. 

"I Cried," by Brandy Clark
He was tough, said he'd lived a good long lifeAnd he'd seen it all, watching 82 years fly byAnd three kids grow upSeen 'em all have kids and grandkids of their own

He was braveIf he was scared, well, you couldn't see it on his faceLike a soldier he marched through his numbered daysMade his peace with God and he was gone

I cried, oh I cried
Tried to hold my head high, ended up in my handsI cried, oh I cried
There was nothing I could do, so that was all I could do

She was strongHeld his hand when he was barely holding onShe told him, "Don't worry about me, I'll get alongYou go on to Heaven. Go on, yes."

Now she's alone, livin' the life that's too much for oneJust last night on the telephoneI could hear the lonelyin her voice

I cried. Oh I cried
Tried to hold my head high, ended up in my handsI cried, oh I cried
There was nothing I could do, so that was all I could doI cried, oh I cried
Tried to hold my head high, ended up in my handsI cried, oh I cried
There was nothing I could do, so that was all I could doOh, there was nothing I could do, so I cried



Gomo spending some time with her parents...

Cousin Jeremy bringing some shine to Grandparents' headstones...

Working together to beautify the environment our loved ones are remembered at...

Appa facilitating the remembrance of Grandparents through a lesson of "taking risks"...

Hong Family memories (take 1)...

Hong Family memories (take 2)...

Dad's Story in His Voice

Here are the beginning part of Dad's memoirs, in his own voice. He patiently taped these using a cassette recorder over a period of a week or so. A dear friend digitized these for me and I have the entire set on my computer. Here are several portions from the beginning. Click and enjoy. If you want to hear the rest, contact me and I will send it to you.

Dad's Memoirs

The link will open Dad's memoirs, kindly typed in Korean by Kwonsa KWON Young Ae of Young Nak Church. She is the kind lady who wrote the article in the YN newspaper about Dad not too long ago. She has been a very special friend to our family, during these past several years.

Below is a link to his memoirs. The first page of English translation is provided beneath.

Dad's Memoirs (in Korean)

My Life – Reflections from a Life Well-Lived

Thirty six years have passed since I left my beloved Korea to begin life anew in the States. I have logged over ninty eventful years in this world. Although I can’t recall every detail from every moment, I want to write down all that comes to mind, giving thanks to God who has made it all possible. Just three years ago, my partner in life, my dear wife of 70 years was stricken with alzheimer’s disease, eventually moving to a nursing home for round the clock care. I too have many ailments and life poses many physical challenges. Lord, give me strength and insight so that I can remember and write well.

Thinking about my years, a phrase from a song or a hymn comes to mind, “Life’s road, where have I trod, where am I headed?” Like the writer of those lyrics, I too had little to add to this world on my own, having little control of my own destiny. But God has been merciful to me, the whole of my life, never abandoning me but abiding with me and all that I hold dear. He is the One who arranged for our move to the States, continued to guide our lives and even now is helping me in this phase of life, to live at Kirkwood with my dear wife (recently moved to the nursing home).

To my father, HONG Yoon Soo and my mother, KIM Yoon Hang, I was born, their third son. Their first son died at an early age and I did not know his name. Names of my siblings: above me was my older brother Soon Ho and below me were, in order of decreasing age, Soon Suk (brother), Soon Jun (sister), Soon Il (brother), Soon Sun (sister), Soon Bok (sister). So, I was the third son in a family of 4 sons and 3 daughters.

I was born (see the map) in a small village in Hwang Hae Do, Eun Yool Goon, Suh Boo Myun Suhg Gyo Rhee. I lived there until age 5 but I have no memories of that place. (The approximate location is shown in the map below, along with the locations of Jin-Nampo and Seoul and the general direction of Jilin (Manchuria), some of the places that I called home at various times.) My father’s parents died when he was young and his older brother Hong, Myung Soo helped to raise him. He also had an older sister. After marrying, he lived with his in-laws who were relatively wealthy. That is where we were born into this world. They were able to save up enough to move out of the village, motivated by the thought that they did not want to see their children become farmers in a small village. I remember vividly the day when we packed our belongings and rode the oxen cart to Jang Nyung Eup, another village about 20Km away. The trip took the whole day. Our new home was next to a very noisy glass factory that was somewhat dangerous due to their use of fire. The new village had a lot more houses and people and there were more children to play with. Just up the hill from our house was a presbyterian church. Whenever the bell rang for Sunday services, I would run up the hill to meet and play with my friends. My brother had grown to school age, and he enrolled in the Jang Nyung public normal school. On a given day. both my parents would be working in the field and my brother would be away at school, so my younger siblings and I would spend our time at home with Grandmother. .... more to come from this translation project

Dad's Bio

1916. 10. 18 황해도 은률군 장년면 동부리 810번지에서 부친 홍윤수씨와 모친 김윤행씨의 7남매 중 차남으로 출생
1930 장년공림보통학교 졸업
1939. 7. 15 평남 진남포 억량기동장로교회에서 정보덕씨와 결혼하여 슬하에 2남 2녀를 두심
1947. 4. 10 월남하여 공덕장로교회 출석
1948. 2 영락교회로 이적
1951 서리집사 피택, 주일학교 교사로 12년 근속
1960 안수집사 피택
1970 장로 장립
1970. 10. 6 도미
1973 나성영락교회 창립멤버로 봉사
1974 장로 취임
1980 남전도회 회장, 장년 성경반 부장등으로 다년간 봉사
1988 교회 공직에서 은퇴
2010. 12. 10 하나님의 부르심을 받음

Dad was born on October 18, 1916, in a small village in the North and he remembers the address to be (starting with the province) Hwang-Hae-Doh, Eun-Yool-Goon, Jang-Nyun-Myun, Dong-Boo-Rhee, 810. He was the third son in a family of 4 boys and 3 girls. He graduated from elementary school in 1930. He and mom married on July 15, 1939, at Pyung Nam Jin-Nam-Po Uhg-Ryang-Gi-Dong Presbyterian Church. The two would have 2 daughters followed by 2 sons. The war times were difficult and like others, they were displaced a number of times. In 1947, the family began attending Gong-Duk Presbyterian Church in the South and shortly thereafter were involved in the founding of Young Nak Presbyterian Church in Seoul. There, he taught sunday school for 12 years and became an ordained deacon in 1960, and elder in 1970. In October of that year, the family immigrated to the U.S. In 1973, he was a founding member of the Young Nak Presbyterian Church of Los Angeles, becoming elder in 1974. He served the church until he retired from service in 1988. He was a faithful and loving husband, a much beloved father, and respected servant at church. On May 24, 2010, he said good bye to his beloved wife of more than 70 years. On December 10, 2010, he was called home by his Heavenly Father.

Glen and Chrissy Interviewing GrandPa

Peter's Eulogy for Mom

지난 5 15 처와 함께 어머님을 찾아뵈었읍니다. 오랬동안 치매로 인해 양로원에 계시는 동안 저희가 찾아뵈면 그래도 기억이 나시는듯한 느낌을 주셨읍니다. 웃는 모습으로 바라보시면서 무슨 말씀을 하실려는지 알아듣지 못하겠지만 무엇이라 말씀하시면서 반가와 하시는 모습이셨읍니다. 얼굴도 좋아 보이셨고 비교적 외부로는 건강한 모습이셔서 앞으로 저희들과의 시간을 세상에서 오랬동안 즐기실수 있을것 같으셨읍니다. 그런데 이렇게 어머니께서 주님의 부르심을 받게되니 슬프고 허전함이 아들인 저의 마음을 사로잡게 됨을 느낍니다.

저의 어머니, 보덕 권사님은 조용한 성품에 인자하신분이셨읍니다. 말씀보다 행동으로 보여주셨고 무엇보다도 하나님 말씀따라 사시기에 노력하시고 순종하신 분이셨읍니다. 저의 어머니의 삶을 돌아볼때에 많은것이 기억에 남지만 저에게 인상이 깊게 남고 영향을 끼친 몇가지를 나누고자 합니다.

어머니를 생각하면 제일 먼저 머리에 떠오르는것은 매일 새벽에 똑같은 시간과 장소에서 성경읽고 기도하시는 모습입니다. 한번은 얼마나 열심히 집중하셨는지 그시간에 도둑이 들어와 부엌의 물건들을 훔쳐가는것 조차 모르셧다고 할정도였읍니다. 저는 어머니의 기도에 힘과 능력의 해택을 듬뿍 받았다고 믿습니다. 그런 기도의 모습을 통해 저희 형제들은 어머니의 깊은 신앙을 통해 배움과 감동이 있음을 알고 있읍니다.

어머니께서는 하나님 말씀대로 사시려고 노력하셨읍니다. 당신의 성격이 조용하시고 앞으로 나서는것을 대단히 꺼려하셨읍니다. 그렇지만 교회봉사에서는 순종하는 마음으로 필요한때에따라서 여러모양으로 일하시는것을 보여주셨읍니다. 한번은 제가 상상하지도 못했던 연극에 아버지와 함께 출연한 것을 보았읍니다. 그리고 여러번 공중기도도 하셨는데 저는 집에서 보아왔던 어머니가 어떻게 용기를 얻으셨는지 여러모로 신기했읍니다. 말씀따라서 순종하시는 가운데 하나님께서 주시는 능력이라고 생각이 됩니다. 어머니께서는 교육부와 청년부에서 권사님으로 10년을 봉사하셨는데 당시의 학생들과 청년들이 아직도 어머니께서 배푸신 사랑에대해서 이야기를 가끔 듣게됩니다. 열심으로 봉사하셨고 학생들과 청년들을 친자식같이 대해주셨다고 합니다.

어머니께서는 어려서부터 자식들에게 믿음 깊이 심어주는데 신경을 많이 쓰셨읍니다. 기억으로는 어머니 잡고 부흥회 쫓아다니던 기억도 있고, 여러 주일학교 활동에 부지런히 데리고 다니셨던 일들이 생각이 납니다. 그러나 무었보다도 기회가 될때마다 어머니께서는 성경이야기를 해주셨읍니다. 그중에 아직도 생생 하게 머리에 남는말씀은 먼저 나라와 의를 구하라는 말씀을 저희들에게 하셨읍니다. 어려서 들었을때에는 의미없이 들었지만 어른이 되어서는그 말씀이 어머니의 삶에 얼만큼 중요한 기본의 말씀인지를 이해할수 있게된것같읍니다. 어머니의 신앙의 나침판과같으 말씀을 생각할때마다 도전을 받고 바른길로 가야함을 다시금 깨닫게 됩니다.

어머니의 삶을 전체적으로 생각해보면 믿음, 소망, 사랑의 삶이였읍니다. 물론 좋은 아내, 어머니, 그리고 할머니셨지만 무었보다도 하나님의 진실되 딸이였음을 저는 보았고 믿습니다. 지금은 하나님곁에서 평안을 누리실 어머니께 감사드리고. 그러한 어머니를 주셨던 하나님 아버지께 감사할 뿐입니다.